Legionella risk, compliance and monitoring services

Centricor compliance support you and your team to protect everyone under your responsibility of care. We deliver legionnaire control risk assessments and work with you to identify, manage and provide workable, cost-effective solutions through a safe schedule of action points to ensure your water systems are compliant.

We pride ourselves on our accountability, attention to detail and the time we take to ensure thorough assessments. We understand the gravity and risks associated with Legionnaire disease outbreaks. For those at risk from legionella disease and risk to property owners, designated health and safety officers and our team's duty of care. Therefore, we offer compliance with the Health and Safety Commission Approved Code of Practice L8 ACOP HSG 274 (Legionnaires' Disease, The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems); companies are under a legal obligation to minimise and control the risk of legionellosis by:

1. Identifying and assessing the sources of risk of exposure

We ensure you have a trained and competent person to conduct a Legionella risk assessment at your property.

2. Implementing and managing precautions

We go the extra mile and provide you with a costed solution to fix issues identified across your water system infrastructure as the risk assessment recommends.

3. Recording all related actions

We log all records of any works carried out on your water system by you or your appointed contractor. We also keep records of the periodic control measures, all stored in your secure Legionnaire dossier compliance software.

4. Appointing a person to be managerially responsible

We create great long-term relationships with our clients to help you assess and manage risks. Producing a long-term, cost-effective plan that ensures you meet your legal requirements.

Legionella services we provide

Please find out how our services can make your legionella monitoring fully compliant when audited by HSE or governing bodies. The recommendations we ask you to implement as a result of our work will produce an audit assessment result with recommendations for further action. We offer:

Legionella risk assessments

Legionella control and remedial services

Annual monitoring programs with digital and physical documentation

Microbiological and Legionella sample testing

Water system chlorination and tank cleaning and disinfection services

Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) testing

Sectors we serve

We personalise our approach to managing your property's requirements to meet legionella compliance. We will work with you in partnership over the long term to develop your team's knowledge and enable them to meet their legal obligations. We understand how to manage the risk of Legionnaire bacteria and are helping business owners, schools, and public sector organisations across the Northwest of England manage costs, develop and implement solutions to keep people safe.

Why choose Centricor Compliance?

  • We can review your current water management scheme and advise any recommendations and improvements - Our advice is completely free of charge
  • We use software by Legionella Dossier to conduct Risk assessments and all monitoring documentation with online portal access to clients 24/7
  • We offer solutions in all areas of non compliance using our team of remedial actions experts
  • Training for onsite staff and persons completing any tasks associated with Legionella control

    Get in touch to discuss your requirements

    Call Us: 01704 601004

    By Post:
    Centricor Compliance Ltd - Operations
    20 Henley Drive
    Merseyside. PR9 7JU